This area is dedicated to keeping our shareholders and potential investors up to date with accomplishments, news and other relevant information.
MMJ-a pioneer in the science of medical cannabis
MMJ International Holdings Corp., along with its associated companies, is dedicated to advancing the sciences involving patient use of natural botanicals.
According to the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Family Practice, current methods to assess the nation’s largest and most expensive medical conditions are subjective and ineffective.The MMJ family has a better way, utilizing predictive analysis of plant and human genetics and other patient factors.It is our mission to provide patients better information for better health while treating with natural botanicals
MMJIH's Vision
To be an innovative market leader indeveloping FDA approved
cannabinoid medicines to transform the lives of patients in dire need of relief around the world.
MMJIH's Values
To give of our best in every area of operation, so that our patients make informed decisions about their health and improve the quality of their lives.
MMJ is a bio-pharmaceutical company that is developing a pioneering cannabis medication (a prescribed pharmaceutical) with the ultimate goal of producing a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug. MMJ to date has developed a patent-pending compound for symptomatic treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Huntington’s Disease and several other conditions. The company has initiated an FDA approval process for the MS indication that will shortly be followed by an approval process for Huntington’s Disease which the FDA has awarded an Orphan Designation.
MMJ has developed a pharmaceutical-cannabinoid THC, CBD formulation in a soft-gelatin extended release capsule dose form for the treatment of symptoms associated with multiple neurological diseases: spasticity(muscle stiffness) associated with progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and Huntington’s Disease chorea(involuntary movements).
What we offer
MMj offers investors a “big pharma” return at a fraction of costs and risks typical of such ventures :
- Complete legal certainty, unlike any other cannabis business in the U.S.
- Known safety and efficacy of cannabis for the proposed indications.
- World-class, highly experienced team and key partnerships.
- Strong barriers of entry for competition.
- Extraordinary high profitability and investor returns.
Our Expertise
- Core competences and excellence
- Genomics research
- Medicine formulation
- “Orphan Drug” subject matter
- Information technology
- Information assurance
- Cannabis cultivation
- Cannabis extraction
- Gel cap pill manufacturing
- Cannabis law
- Cannabis medical use
MMJ is one of the first companies
- Far advanced in pursuing the “Orphan Drug”- lowest risk cannabis business model and the most expedient way to FDA approved MS (and future) medicines.
- Has complete pharma-grade fully integrated supply chain-high-tech manufacturing capable of producing botanical controlled medicine and accommodate high demand.
- Has patent-pending formulations, outcomes-centric continuous care business concept with enabling technology and R&D.
- First-class expert team in big-pharma, science, medicine, law and technology.
- In support of the MMJ’s Comprehensive Continuous Care business model, MMJ provides one of a kind end-to-end medical condition management solution.
- MMJ’s eHealth Solution combines the best of breed remote patient monitoring system, telemedicine system, patient records, and a patent care service center, offering the most complete outcomes focused service available.
- MMJ is strategically positioned through it’s R&D capabilities, technologies, key partnerships and synergic business lines to become a market leader.
The Corporate Governance Code
The Directors of MMJ recognize the importance of the highest standards as it relates to corporate governance.
The Board of Directors
The MMJ Board of Directors which is majority-independent currently comprises two Executive and three independent non-executive Directors.
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the Group. Its aim is to represent the interests of the Group’s shareholders and to provide leadership and control in order to ensure the growth and development of a successful business.
Tim Moynahan acts as the Company’s Chairman and senior independent non-executive.
All Directors are able to take independent advice in furtherance of their duties if necessary.
The Board is responsible to shareholders for the proper management of the Group, and Board meetings are held several times a year to set the overall direction and strategy of the Group, to review financial and operating performance and to advise on senior management appointments. Financial policy and budgets, including capital expenditure, are approved and monitored by the Board. All key strategic decisions are subject to Board approval. The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with.

The Board attaches great importance to effective communication with shareholders and encourages dialogue with both its institutional and private investors and responds promptly to all questions received verbally or in writing. Regular communication is maintained with all shareholders through Company announcements. Directors regularly attend meetings with analysts and institutional shareholders throughout the year. With private shareholders this is not always practical. The Board has therefore sought to use the Company’s Annual General Meeting as the opportunity to meet private shareholders, after which the Board gives a presentation on the activities of the Group and there is also an opportunity to ask questions of Directors on a formal and informal basis. All shareholders have at least 21 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting.
In addition the Company operates this website as an important investor communications tool. This website contains further details of the Group and its activities, details of regulatory announcements and Company announcements, Annual and Interim Reports, and details of the Company’s share price, share trading activity and graphs.
Maintenance of a Sound System of Internal Control
The Directors have overall responsibility for ensuring that the Group maintains a system of internal control to provide them with reasonable assurance that the assets of the Group are safeguarded and that the shareholders’ investments are protected. The system includes internal controls covering financial, operational and compliance areas, and risk management. There are limitations in any system of internal control, which can provide reasonable but not absolute assurance with respect to the preparation of financial information, the safeguarding of assets and the possibility of material misstatement or loss.
The Board has considered and reviewed the system of internal controls in place in accordance with the Turnbull Report. An assessment of the major risk areas for the business and methods used to monitor and control them was also undertaken. In addition to financial risk, the review covered operational, commercial, environmental, regulatory and research and development risks. The risk review is an ongoing process with regular review by the Board at least annually.
The key procedures designed to provide an effective system of internal control that have operated throughout the year and up to the date of the sign-off of this report are described below.
Control Environment
There is an organizational structure with clearly defined lines of responsibility and delegation of accountability and authority.